NCR调查: NCR调查显示 中国消费者期盼加快结账速度点评
  • 3楼 Re: NCR调查: NCR调查显示 中国消费者期盼加快结账速度
  • NCR Dalian International Consulting Center not only performs client-side services such as low-end coding, testing, installing and maintenance, but also keeps the touch with some Japanese clients, involved in the whole process of application systems development, which enable it (NCR) to supply full solutions of high-end feasibility study and complete system design for clients. The settling down of NCR in Dalian,will not only step up the software personnel structure to a new level, but also encourage Dalian software industry's development to a new level.
  • 作者:宁一峰 2009-7-15 19:03:00
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